On December 15, 2023, the BOE published the Ministerial Order, which comes to complement the practical implementation of the new application channels of the special regime enabled by Royal Decree 1008/2023, by which the Regulation of the Income Tax of Individuals was modified; adapting the content of models 149 and 151 to the changes introduced by the aforementioned standard in early December.
IMPORTANT: Have you moved to Spain between 2022 or 2023 and want to opt for the Beckham regime? Don’t miss this opportunity!
The deadline for the exercise of the option for the special regime for taxpayers who have acquired their tax residence in Spain in the 2023 tax period, as a result of their arrival in Spanish territory in the second semester of 2022 or in the first semester 2023, as a general rule will have a period of six months from the publication of the OM on December 15, 2023, that is, THEY CAN OPT FOR THE BECKHAM REGIME UNTIL JUNE 16, 2024.
Don’t miss this opportunity, contact us to manage your application and opt for the Beckham regime!
By obtaining the Beckham Special Regime, you will be taxed as a non-resident, at
At SmmartServices we can help you in a quick and easy way to
become a beneficiary of this regime