Registration as self-employed

Registration as self-employed

At Smmart Services, our Business department specialises in the registration and management of the self-employed. We take care of your registration with the Treasury and Social Security as a self-employed person in less than 24 hours, without no need for you to go to any government department.

Our business experts will be at your disposal to resolve any questions or problems you may have during the process. We also take care of all procedures and documentation necessary for said registration, ensuring that everything is done in a prompt and efficient manner.

At Smmart Services, we work to ensure that the process to register as self-employed is as easy and straightforward as possible, providing you with a professional quality service. If you want to become a self-employed person, feel free to contact us.


Una gestión personalizada, A personalised, fast, efficient service.


Hazte Autónomo Become self-employed in less than 24 hours

What does the service include?

Form 036 is an essential requirement when you are going to start a professional activity. This document includes information about your economic activity and census information. Don’t worry: We will take care of the details so that your professional activity is correctly registered.
RETA (Régimen Especial de Trabajadores Autónomos, or special regime for the self-employed) is a special social security regime with which self-employed persons must be registered. We will handle your RETA registration, ensuring.
The digital certificate is a digital document that is essential in order to act before the public administration. This document serves as a unique identifier for the holder in dealings with electronic departments of the public administration, when performing procedures before the public administration, and when signing official documents. Our experts will help you obtain this certificate as part of our service.
Do you still have questions?

Leave us your details and a Smmart advisor will contact you.

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